
Freedom: right and responsibility

Freedom is a precious and powerful thing. Such a shame it’s often so one-sidedly interpreted as “I can do whatever the hell I want”.

The way we exercise our freedoms can adversely impact the freedoms of other living beings.

When we host a loud party, we limit our neighbour’s freedom to have a quiet night in with a good night of sleep.

When we live a lavish consumer lifestyle, we limit the freedom of future living beings to live in a world with healthy natural ecosystems.

When we buy meat, eggs and dairy from intensive livestock farming, we limit the freedom of animals to move around and live dignified lives. 

Also, besides using the power of freedom to take space for ourselves, we can also use it to make space for others.

When we have the freedom to speak, we can choose to speak ourselves or give a stage to people who don’t have a voice yet.

When we have the freedom to spend money, we can choose to consume all the things we want, consume consciously or give to other living beings in need.

When we have the freedom to travel, we can choose to travel by plane, train, any other means of transport, or not travel at all.

The way we exercise our freedoms can positively or negatively impact the freedoms of other living beings.

If freedom is a right, it’s just as much a responsibility.

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